Stand Up | Standing Up for Students
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Standing Up for Students

29 Mar Standing Up for Students

Young people need to be educated on their work rights. Enter Stand Up for Students. Chris Carr gives an update on the super-awesome initiative.

Like early-2000s Justin Timberlake, Stand Up For Students just keeps going from success to success.  February and March have been huge for us, we’ve spoken at conferences, advertised online and in print, and are getting awesome support everywhere we go.  We’ve now got a ton of unions on board and are in increasing demand from schools, especially in the Hutt Valley and Auckland. We’re trying to get our volunteers out into those schools and this means we need those who have already volunteered to step up and contact schools.

There’s now a section in our organising spreadsheet that lets you look up the schools that are waiting to be contacted and make your own arrangements, if you choose to do this make sure to keep us in the loop. We’ve also got a live training session coming up for Wellington volunteers who want a bit of support before they head into school. It’ll be on the 14th of April but we’ll update you closer to the time. Kia kaha and keep fighting the good fight.

If you think empowering high school students with their employment rights sounds like a noble endeavour and would like to be involved, get in touch with us at

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