Stand Up | Tony Stevens
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Author: Tony Stevens

Submission on the Employment Standards Legislation Bill

This is Stand Up's written submission to Parliament on the Employment Standards Legislation Bill. Stand Up also gave an oral submission. Following thousands of submissions from the public and a strong campaign, the proposed law was changed and zero-hours contracts were banned. Download a pdf of...

Know your rights – health and safety

Each month, we will be featuring different legal minimum working rights - this month we're focusing on the Health and Safety changes coming up in April!  Health and safety? Yaaaaaaaawn, right? Well...

Standing Up for Students

Young people need to be educated on their work rights. Enter Stand Up for Students. Chris Carr gives an update on the super-awesome initiative. Like early-2000s Justin Timberlake, Stand Up For Students just keeps going from success to success.  February and March have been huge for...

Zero Hour Contracts goneburger

The ticket's been punched on Zero Hour Contracts. UNITE's Alastair Reith reflects on the huge win. On Thursday, March 10, parliament voted unanimously to eliminate zero hour contracts. Initially it looked like we would get a law which actually made things worse, providing a legal framework...